Few Questions……

what is the value for being so much emotional ?

Or what is the value for dreaming like  a romantic person?

If  i am feeling lonely or if there is none to listen?

Why the world seems so much practical and rude……?

why why ?

what the value of being so much soft hearted…?

I am Here…

At last I am also in the queue. I am writing my first blog …..Today I am feeling like I got the place to be here to share my viewpoints with you netizens.

I did not mark it..that i am going to publish my blog at the month of March’2008. But it is.What a feeling come while we get something in our mind about our independence.We all love our country.We always want to do something for our country wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Definitely every human being has courage to do something challenging and creative. Where he can creates of his own. No doubt I am inspired by some of the great people I met last few months. To start this journey….I am always grateful to Junal(always sticking into), Jewel(slow but can), Anupom (good boy), Ahsan vai(inspiration comes from here), Rubel vai(great hard worker),Zadid vai(caiv man but knows a lot), Omi vai(a sensual person in my eyes )Mahady sir(who really thinks for his students), Khalid vai(always rocking being into his works ),Hasin vai(has the potentiality to be present virtually in my mind),Rupom da(inspiration of .net),Kamal Sir(a great personality).I want to remember also Konok(a fun machine),Tipu(our litre of any program),Sabbir(good guy).All u guys are really nice and inspiring.Lots thanks go to you.

Its really make me happy that we all are working for us and for our country as well.I be hopeful when i see lots of simple guys are working great for themselves as well as our country. Very soon,a brighter sunny morning will be, not only at my door …but also at all the doors of the people of my country.
